Friday, January 29, 2010

My Intorduction to Blogging - Forgive Me As I Learn!

Okay all, I'm am venturing into completely new territory here! I have never "done" a blog before. I've just barely learned how to follow other people's blogs! So, if you are a friend or family member and have one and I haven't been following it, please send me your blog URL so I can start stalking you! ;O)

This blog is not going to be very organized, I fear. It's going to be too multi-purposed for that! As I contemplated just what I'd like to blog about, I realized I have too many specific (and passionate) interests (see interests in my profile for an example!) to try to keep it themed. So, this will be random, whatever I feel at the moment. The topics may get very monotonous and will, no doubt, run themes and cycles, depending on my current obsession! (Lately, it's been natural childbirth - for very good reason, though last weeks' library trip found me several books about raising chickens, in preparation for this spring.) I've been pretty obsessed lately with obtaining and learning to use our Year's Supply of food storage, so, I'm positive that will play into things also. Luke will also be adding his two cents as he feels the need. I've told him to be sure he "signs" his posts so you'll be certain to notice the difference between our, uh, "voices". Sometimes we'll simply talk about the changes, joys, and challenges of family life. Speaking of changes, I'm hoping to have a birth story to blog about this weekend (there will be a blue moon on Saturday, 30 January) - wish me luck with that one! :O)

This week, Lukey lost his first tooth! I am so unprepared for this! I know how to be a mom to babies and preschoolers; I've been around them my whole life. It's when they start to grow and get older that I lose my footing. I don't know what to do or say, or how to behave with older, more rationally-thinking human beings. I feel lost. We are venturing into foreign territory now that my oldest "baby" has just left the baby phase for good. He's a Kindergartener who just lost his first tooth. (It's his bottom right, FYI, and we left a note to the Tooth Fairy telling her that his first tooth was going into the baby book so she couldn't collect it. He got a shiny George Washington gold dollar coin for it anyway!) The first physical change of permanent adulthood and, dare I say it, puberty in a way... YIKES!

We're going to have to schedule a dental visit, I fear. We discovered that his adult tooth was already in - just well behind his other teeth. We are hoping that it will move on it's own into the vacant space and not cause crowding or any other dental problems later on. So his toothless smile isn't totally toothless; you can see the new tooth coming in behind the hole.

Anyone have some good resources for me to reference as we venture into this new phase of child-rearing? I'm scared!

(I'm so proud of myself! I've even figured out how to put in a couple of pictures AND how to put them where the text relates! Click and drag didn't work - it took some effort to figure out. I sure hope it's not always this hard. ;o)


  1. How wonderful to see the pics of Lukey andhis lost tooth. Dallin liked that, he wants to come see it in real life of coarse. We'll just have to come on over. However, both boys are still coughing and a bit sick, so we'll wait so we don't give your kids croup.

  2. We're planning on (can you really do that?) having the baby this weekend under that gorgeous full supermoon (it's also blue), so you guys can come see the new baby (when everyone's feeling well, of course)

  3. Crystal, I love your blog, and your pilgrims outfit! LOL. That is awesome that you want to have more of an Amish lifestyle. I have always admired them, and their peacefulness of life. Great ambition in anyone's life to find the peace and serenity that comes with simplifying, concentrating, and spiritually finding the balance in our lives. Can't wait to take a peak at what your family is doing!! Can't wait till your baby comes out! I want to know what your having!!
